Σε μια κυριακάτικη εκτός θάλασσας εξόρμησή μας επιλέξαμε τον Όλυμπο, στο Σταυρό, δέκα χιλιόμετρα πάνω απ' το Λιτόχωρο, σε υψόμετρο περίπου χιλίων μέτρων.
All last summer we could enjoy the sea almost every day, however we avoided the crowded Pieria beaches on weekends, when people from all over Central and Western Makedonia prefecture, were rushing there.
On a sunday excursion we chose to go to Olympus mountain, towards Stavros, 10 kilometers over Litohoro, at an altitude of about 1.000 meters.Όμορφη, βατή διαδρομή, μέσα στο πράσινο, για το βρώμικο παρμπρίζ που χαλάει τη φωτογραφία ευθύνεται ο Vad.
Nice road, nice place, in the green of the forests, sorry for the dirty car glass, it's VAD's fault :)
Nice road, nice place, in the green of the forests, sorry for the dirty car glass, it's VAD's fault :)
H ατμόσφαιρα προς τον κάμπο και τη θάλασσα ήταν τόσο θολή, ώστε το μακρινό φόντο της φωτογραφίας να ειναι σχεδόν αθέατο...
The atmosphere towards the plains is blur and it causes the distant background of the picture to dissappear.
And of course we end up with a frugal and concise bean soup, perfect for the cool mountain's air. We didn't have any tsipouro, we don't drink and drive !
We didn't go up to Prionia, another time we will.
Απο τον VAD ευχαριστούμε για την άδεια αναδημοσίευσης.
Απόδοση στα αγγλικά και σύνδεσμοι απο τον tzonakos
Απόδοση στα αγγλικά και σύνδεσμοι απο τον tzonakos
Μα υπάρχει καλύτερος από σενα διαφημιστης της ελληνικής ομορφιάς;
Ναι, σίγουρα υπάρχουν καλύτεροι διαφημιστές.
Απλά σε αυτο εδω το μπλογκ εχω αγαπήσει το χώρο πολύ και κάθε ανάρτηση γίνεται με όσο καλύτερο τρόπο μπορώ.
Οχι τίποτ' άλλο, μπας και μάθουμε τον ίδιο τον τόπο μας,Vad.
Για να βάλω λινκ το χάρτη τη Πιερίας, έψαξα την περιοχή αρκετή ώρα στους χάρτες της Google και κατάλαβα πολλά.
Σημείωση : Οι εικόνες ειναι απο σενα, δηλαδή δεν τις εχω φορτωμένες στο άλμπουμ μου, που σημαίνει οτι αν τις διαγράψεις εσυ απο το άλμπουμ σου, ή διαγράψεις το λογαριασμό σου πλήρως, αυτές θα χαθούν.
Να σαι καλά.
Οπα της!Σε λιγο θα μας γράψει και η...Αρσεναλ:)))
Another feature which the Gods offer as a clue is very foreboading and ominous. Mt. Zion is a mountain to the north of Diablo (the eye of The Beast) and one which has a working quarry at its base. Consistant with the decay we experience in society, Mt. Zion is being eaten away, slowly stripped of its resources, until one day paradise will be gone forever.
7 billion in 2011. Only 1 billion in 1800 and 2 billion in 1900.
Population explosion is a clue::::The gods are sending everyone back for The End.
There must be some purgatory-like place. Or individual. Like an animal.
Now the gods have sent everyone back to try for one final time to fix their problems and ascend into heaven. Avoiding an animal would have been a big positive because those thrust into this decayed enviornment have less of a chance than those who enjoyed the god's generosity of a slowly decaying enviornment with frightening clues, like the Depression, World at War, the Holocaust, etc.
Anything that can get the poeple frightened and praying is a good. thing. Contentment never motivated anyone.
As we approach the Apocalypse the gods are removing "wrath of god" material from xtian dogma.
As we see wickedness spread throughout the country, like preditory behavior, godlessness, social changes, etc, using cable TV and the spread of "Californication" as justification, they changed xtianity, appropriatly with Catholicism first.
xtianity has changed radically in the 20th century, and everyone should be mindful of the way it was, because the people are in a process of slipping out of god's favor into a state of Damnation, from which the vast majority will never survive.
They used to scare people and make them too afraid to make mistakes. Now people aren't afraid of anything and don't think twice about doing something wicked and evil which will hurt their chances.
If people only understood the importance of good parents. You won't be going anywhere without them. And it won't happen unless you are one first.
Whimsical management=Unstable pathology:::
*2006 Hawaii-Jewelry
*Chile-crappy fruit
I'm sure you got some excuse. Just like Mustang Ranch.
You've compromised your integrity so hard you no longer deserve the label "gods".
The gods used the Italians to ruin life in the 20th century.
The gods used the Italians to ruin life in A.D..
"The West Bank, where the end of the world will begin."
And they were reincarnated into the ghetto to be punished as crack babies and in drive-by shootings, ironically poetic justice for inflicting these horrors on their hated enemies.
On their brothers.
We saw it with Mustang Ranch as well:::The gods just manufactured the tactic of the Holocaust to accomplish the goals they planned.
I am of the opinion the gods would have interviened in its absence, illustrating their claims of being good, and established "old world" dictatorship control at the dawn of mankind's mass moral deterioration. Purely speculation, I conceed, and a total waste of time which distracts from important work we are all responsible for, but even without the Holocaust the gods would have manufactured something that would allow them to manage their culpability and justify their lack of divine intervention. After all, we all abide to their chronology.
Μα είπα και'γω κάτι μου θυμίζουν οι φωτό το κείμενο!
Φαντάστηκα ότι πήγες και συνάντησες το Vad και φάγατε μαζί την φασουλάδα:))
Xα :) Οχι, μακάρι να πηγαίναμε μαζι με τον VAD εκει πάνω, κι ισως να το κάνουμε κάποτε.
Αναδημοσίευση ειναι κι αν θυμάσαι σου ειχα ρωτήσει κάποτε αν θα θελες να βάλω εδω αναδημοσιεύσεις σου απο Σύρο.
Να βάλεις γιατί να μη βάλεις κοίτα πιο σ'αρέσει και βάλε όποιο θέλεις!
Μα μου'χες πει ότι θέλεις να προσθέσεις και δικές σου φωτό που δεν βρήκες!
Εχω καλή μνήμη έχουμε πεί:))
:) Εγω πάλι, προσπαθώ να τονώσω τη μνήμη μου με γυμναστική !
Ναι, όντως ετσι είχαμε πεί.
Θα μιλήσουμε σε ευχαριστώ πολύ.
zoyzoy,καλά,βρε Αρμενάκι,με φασουλάδα θα σας ξεγελάσω,αν βρεθειτε στα μερη μου;:))
Τι να περιμένω??
Εχετε καλούς μεζέδες??
zoyzoy,Δε μιλάμε για Χαρτούμ,
μιλάμε για Πιερία:)
tell me pls again whats this green salad called. i have eat it alot when i lived for 1 year in greece, but i forgot the name of this delicious salad. greetings from germany and Καλό Πάσχα
if you mean the salad in the last picture, then it is called " Horta " or "Hortosalata" ( Horta salad ).
It is usually served with olive oil and lemon or if you prefer, olive oil and vinegar.
I love it.
Greetings to Germany.
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